
Bay Bridge crews embark on herculean feat
Bay Bridge crews embark on herculean feat 150 150 Southland Holdings

The American Bridge/Fluor Joint Venture, led by AB, is prime superstructure subcontractor for the Bay Bridge, a 2,051’ single-tower, self-anchored suspension bridge. An article updating readers about the stage that the Bay Bridge is currently upon was featured on Friday, August 17, 2012. The author wrote about the upcoming, monumental and strenuous process of removing the suspension span’s steel decks off of the temporary platforms, officially making the span a self-supporting bridge. As the world’s…

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AB Connections Summer 2012

In this edition of Connections:

  • CURRENT CONTRACTS - Comments from the CEO on performance thus far in 2012
  • HR/WELLNESS - Take advantage of health care provider changes and plan for healthy improvements with upcoming wellness activities
  • PROJECT UPDATE - Kansas City District Vice President explains how this project was won through AB innovation
  • AB PUBLISHED - The author describes AB's construction on the original Verrazano-Narrows to be the most complex, dangerous and romantic
  • FLASHBACKS - Pittsburgher's bid farewell to their Civic Arena; the first and largest structure with a retractable roof in the world when completed
  • SAFETY - With high employee participation and management support AB is even closer to the zero incident workplace goal
AB Connections Summer 2012 791 1024 Southland Holdings
EHW Constructors Joint Venture awarded a $331,372,767 contract
EHW Constructors Joint Venture awarded a $331,372,767 contract 150 150 Southland Holdings

Virginia Beach, Virginia – On May 9, 2012 the EHW (Explosives Handling Wharf) Constructors Joint Venture (consists of 45 percent Skanska, 35 percent American Bridge and 20 percent NOVA) was awarded a $331,372,767 firm-fixed-price construction contract for construction of an explosives handling Wharf No. 2, including option item 0001 for the construction of two new traveling overhead crane systems at Naval Base Kitsap – Bangor. The work to be performed provides a reinforced concrete working…

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American Bridge Tampa District Wins Multiple Contracts Early in 2012
American Bridge Tampa District Wins Multiple Contracts Early in 2012 150 150 Southland Holdings

Pittsburgh, PA –With four contracts awarded in March and April, the American Bridge Tampa District has already exceeded its 2012 targets. The Florida projects include the Courtney Campbell Trail Design/Build State Route 60 in Tampa, Tom’s Harbour Channel Bridge Replacement in Duck Key, Golden Beach Bridge Replacements in the town of Golden Beach and the Port Manatee Berth 12 Wharf Extension and Container Terminal in Palmetto. Mark Bell is Vice President of the district; he…

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AB Connections Spring 2012

In this edition of Connections:

  • AWARDS AND CURRENT CONTRACTS - Chincoteague Bridge Grand Award for Engineering Excellence
  • SAS - The main cable on this signature project has many firsts
  • HUMAN RESOURCES/WELLNESS - What to expect in coming months
  • TAMPA DISTRICT - 2012 targets already exceeded
  • PIER 31 RIBBON CUTTING - U.S. Navy pier opens
  • BULKHEAD AT NOAA MARINE OPERATIONS CENTER - $6.3M design/build marine project completes
  • KENTUCKY LAKES BRIDGES - Seven-year roadway and rail bridge project completes
  • SUNSHINE SKYWAY - AB's sixth anniversary stamp
  • TRAINING - Field engineer graduates/supervisor training
  • AB PUBLISHED - Commemoration of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, 1964
  • FLASHBACKS - Historic bridges built by AB in Washington and Oregon
  • FORTH REPLACEMENT CROSSING - Update on the new £790M ($1.3B) cable stay bridge, Scotland
  • LVHR UPDATE - World's largest observation wheel
AB Connections Spring 2012 786 1024 Southland Holdings

AB Connections Winter 2011

In this edition of Connections:

  • HIGHLIGHT - Arawak Cay Port Development
AB Connections Winter 2011 791 1024 Southland Holdings
FCBC Donates £2,000 for Bluebell Preservation
FCBC Donates £2,000 for Bluebell Preservation 150 150 Southland Holdings

“Bluebells on the Move” A Fife-based environmental and conservation charity is helping to preserve 70,000 bluebell bulbs during preparatory works on Scotland’s largest infrastructure project. Fife Coast & Countryside Trust has received a donation of £2,000 from Forth Crossing Bridge Constructors (FCBC), the contractors appointed by Transport Scotland to deliver the new bridge and connecting roads elements of the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC), for help in the relocation of the bluebells from the grounds of…

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AB Connections Fall 2011

In this edition of Connections:

  • COMPANY INFO - Current Contracts/New Hires/Grand Prize Winner
  • HIGHLIGHT - Three Nations Bridge
  • KENTUCKY LAKES - Final update of six year project
  • PLATT STREET - Historical bascule bridge major refurbishment
  • TRAINING - First graduating class since the start of the program
  • WELLNESS PROGRAM - Activities to finish 2011
  • AB PUBLISHED - Tagus River Bridge, Portugal
  • HUMAN RESOURCES - Notifications
  • UPDATES - ABM benefits students/SAS cable works
  • FLASHBACKS - 10, 26, 51, 81, 89 years ago...
  • ANNUAL MEETING - Standing ovation for service to the military and AB
AB Connections Fall 2011 791 1024 Southland Holdings
SIP District Wins Contract for World’s Largest Observation Wheel, Las Vegas
SIP District Wins Contract for World’s Largest Observation Wheel, Las Vegas 150 150 Southland Holdings

American Bridge Company’s Special and International Projects District (SIP) has been selected as prime structural contractor by Caesars Entertainment Operating Company, Inc. for the Las Vegas High Roller, which will be the world’s largest observation wheel. The contract has a value of about $64M. AB will assist the design engineer Arup in the completion of the design, and will begin procurement of steel and other components immediately. Construction will begin in late summer 2012 and be…

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AB Awarded the Infrastructure and Commonwealth Award
AB Awarded the Infrastructure and Commonwealth Award 150 150 Southland Holdings

American Bridge accepted the Infrastructure and Commonwealth Award from the American Concrete Institute this March at the Excellence in Concrete Awards program in Virginia for progress on the Chincoteague Bridge Route 175 project. This project includes the construction of a 59-span, 4,764′ (1,452m), environmentally sensitive replacement bridge for Virginia Route 175 connecting the mainland to Chincoteague Island. The two-lane, 43′-4″ (13.2m) wide bridge utilizes typical 80′ (24.3m) precast concrete girder spans placed on top of…

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AB Connections Summer 2011

In this edition of Connections:

  • GROW - New Hires
  • UPDATE - Human Resources
  • PRODUCE - Current Contracts
  • HIGHLIGHT - Pier 31 Replacement
  • PREVENT - Reduce 30% of work-related injuries
  • RESTORE - More than just bridges
  • SUSPEND - World's largest cable saddle placed and catwalks erected
  • CELEBRATE - SFOBB final sections delivered
  • REFRESH - Wellness Program
  • ACKNOWLEDGE - American Hero monument
  • TRAINING - New Operations
  • PARTICIPATE - AB Community Contributions
  • FLASHBACKS - 92 years of Navy projects, and counting
  • OPINION - Counterstatement in response to NY Times article
  • SPECIALIZE - SIP district wins contract for new special structure
AB Connections Summer 2011 786 1024 Southland Holdings
American Bridge in the New York Times
American Bridge in the New York Times 150 150 Southland Holdings

The following article was published in the New York Times on Sunday, June 26. Read further for information about the origin and controversy of San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge steel and a related quote from AB’s Brian Petersen. Headline: Bridge Comes to San Francisco with a Made-in China Label SHANGHAI – Talk about outsourcing. At a sprawling manufacturing complex here, hundreds of Chinese laborers are now completing work on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Next…

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ABI Awarded Main Contract for the New Forth Replacement Crossing, Scotland
ABI Awarded Main Contract for the New Forth Replacement Crossing, Scotland 150 150 Southland Holdings

FCBC Joint venture including American Bridge International awarded main contract for the new Forth Replacement Crossing in Scotland. Coraopolis, PA – American Bridge International announced that an international joint venture of which it is part has signed the main contract with the Scottish Ministers for design and construction of the Forth Replacement Crossing (FRC), which comprises a bridge over Firth of Forth in Scotland and the road connection immediately north and south of the 2.7…

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AB Connections Spring 2011

In this edition of Connections:

  • HIGHLIGHT - San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
  • COMMUNITY - Walt Whitman project team participates in local charity race
  • NYC BRIDGE PROJECTS UPDATE - Structural improvements in live traffic to the busiest bridge in the world
  • NEW S1 DERRICK AT HEADQUARTERS - AB increases its operative advantage by erecting this high capacity crane
  • AB PUBLISHED - What bridges did AB build in its hometown?
  • FLASHBACKS - A 102 year old railroad high bridge and two vertical lifts
  • FORTH REPLACEMENT CROSSING, SCOTLAND - FCBC joint venture including American Bridge International awarded main contract for the new bridge spanning the Firth of Forth
AB Connections Spring 2011 791 1024 Southland Holdings
American Bridge on Winning Team for Scotland’s New Forth Crossing
American Bridge on Winning Team for Scotland’s New Forth Crossing 150 150 Southland Holdings

A headline for ENR Magazine on March 23, 2011 Link: With a winning bid more than 10% below the lowest official estimate, a consortium including American Bridge Co., Coraopolis, Pa., has been named preferred bidder for a $1.3-billion contract to design and build Scotland’s new Forth highway bridge. The Scottish government’s 2.7-kilometer-long road bridge will include two 650-m main spans with overlapping cable fans reaching down from two, centrally placed pylons, rising 145 m…

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